Monday |
8:00 - 12:30 3:00 - 6:00 |
Tuesday |
2:00 - 6:00 |
Wednesday |
8:00 - 12:30 3:00 - 6:00 |
Thursday |
Closed |
Friday |
8:00 - 12:30 3:00 - 5:00 |
Saturday and Sunday |
Closed |
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Call or Email
For An Appointment Today
(509) 893-2277
Chiropractic Works Wellness Center
920 N. Argonne Rd. Ste.#100
Spokane Valley, WA. 99212
ph: (509) 893-2277, fax: (509) 893-2811
email: cwwc@spokanevalleychiro.com
“…chiropractic care is part of the ‘backbone’ of our families’ health. If the kids get sick, they want to go see Dr. Tom because he helps them feel better.” – Cassie Surprise & Family
“The wellness approach...with the gentler methods Dr. Tom uses deeply impacted my life physically, nutritionally and emotionally.” – Jenny Lynch
“Chiropractic Works Wellness Center by far consistently OUT HEALS AND OUT CARES all other offices in this area!!” – Michelle Welker
“I am much happier and I get a lot more enjoyment out of life…Chiropractic care changed my life.” – Terene Kvinge